I recently saw a documentary about people who had been hit by lightning. Consistently, everyone was changed profoundly by the experience. Some of the changes were negative and some were positive, but everyone experienced lightning as a huge force of change and transformation in their lives.
The polarity of the Earth actually changes during storms. It is as if the Earth is inviting the lightning to come down and work its magic.
Humans have a force like lightning, in seed form, lying dormant in the pelvic floor. The dormant force, Kundalini Shakti, is a mechanism of change, creativity and transformation and when activated, it is possible for humans to reach their greatest potential. The archetype Ganesh governs the pelvic floor and He has a relationship with the energy in seed form. Ganesh energy works specifically to remove obstacles- obstacles that block the path to healing and empowerment.
In the same way that the Earth invites lightning down during storms, Yogis invite the energies of the pelvic floor to awaken and to work their magic in our bodies and in our lives. Working with the pelvic floor, using the Moola Bandha method in particular, is the means of invitation. The seeds of the dormant, creative force begin to germinate, grow and flourish and obstacles are removed.