Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Karma for Yoga Teachers

There is a story in the scriptures about one of the gods making a sarcastic remark about a human. The human was very sensitive so she could hear the nasty remark about the way she looked. She said to the god, "had you been an ordinary person, I could have forgiven you". And she cursed the god to only have ugly children from that day forward.

When we call ourselves "teacher", we choose to no longer be ordinary people. Karmic consequence becomes greater for teachers. Teachers' words and actions need to be thoughtful and for the greater good, to the very best of our ability. Great teachers see their students as children who are to be cared for and instructed with loving respect.
We cannot give away that which we do not possess. As teachers, we need to be constantly culitvating light so that we are able to illuminate the path for others even a little. Muktananda Stiles says that teachers need to make sure that they are able to meditate peacefully for at least 20 minutes, otherwise we are passing on our stress and tension to our students.
No one said that teaching is easy, but not enough people are saying that teaching is hard and a great responsibility that not everyone is up for. Will you honor your role as teacher with the full commitment to be of service or will you use the role selfishly for personal gain?