Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jiva Code- the I Am Series

The Vedic term for soul is Atman, which means essence. The Atman has two distinct aspects- Para which means "supreme, highest, or culmination" and Jiva which means "individual or personal". Paramatman is the infinite and unconditional essence that is beyond all limitation, eternal and changeless. The Shvetashvatara Upanishad, a sacred text from the seventh century, describes this higher aspect of soul beautifully: "Omnipresent, dwelling in the heart of every living creature...He is the inner Self of all, hidden like a little flame in the heart...Know Him and all fetters will fall away." Your paramatman is identical to the Divine; there is no separation or distinction. "Ahum brahma smi" (I am one with the Absolute), say the Vedas.

Jivatman, on the other hand, is the individual soul. Think of it as your spiritual thumbprint, utterly unique for everyone. It is the part of you that, from the moment you were conceived, determines your uniqueness, your distint capacities, talents, and challenges as well as your inclinations- the individual aspect of you that make you uniquely who you are.
From The Four Desires by Rod Stryker

The concept of Dharma is the realization of our greatest potential. Dharma is our unique purpose for this lifetime- the fullfillment of the jivatman's deepest desires to serve humanity.

One of my teacher's, Rod Stryker, challenges Yogis to formulate a Jiva Code. The Jiva Code is a statement of our soul's defining purpose, it is the guiding principle by which we live life. It is not simply a goal because goals come and go. The Jiva Code is a constant, unwavering calling which informs our actions and interactions.

One should think long and hard on the formulation of the Jiva Code. For me, I sat with this idea for over a year. I knew the Jiva Code would be birthed when it was fully formed, ripe and ready for action. Recently, my Jiva Code ripened and the fullness of my dharma was made clear to me.

I am a revolutionary.

I use the I am with reverence. I believe it to be a manifesting incantation. Whatever we say after I am is self fullfilling prophesy. Whatever a person believes is either true or will become true. I am a revolutionary in that the revolutionary is devoted to positive change and transformation. I intend for my actions to be guided by a deep rooted desire to be an instrument of positive change. Fire is a means for transformation- my Jiva Code challenges me to make life a fire ceremony.

The true revolutionary is guided by love.
Che Guevara