Friday, May 8, 2009

Cave of the Heart Meditation

Or by concentrating on the supreme, ever-blissful Light within.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 1.36
Commentary by Swami Satchidananda:
.....imagine your heart to contain a beautiful glowing lotus. The mind will easily get absorbed in that, and you will have a nice experience. In the beginning one has to imagine this Light, which later becomes a reality.

The next few days in the shala we will be practicing the Tantric kriya meditation called the Cave of the Heart. This practice elaborates on Yoga Sutra 1.36. Patanjali describes a method of meditating on a light that is beyond all sorrow as one way to overcome all of the obstacles in the mind. This technique allows us a tangible experience of this light and is one of the key practices to overcome emotional imbalances, turmoil, confusion and despair.

Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.
Everything that moves, breathes, opens and closes lives in the Self- the source of love.
Realize the Self hidden in the heart and cut asunder the knot of ignorance here and now.
Upanishads- translated by Eknath Easwaran