Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Core Work: Journey to the Moola

All this week in the studio we will be working with the vast area in the body that we call the core. This area includes the pelvic floor muscle group, lower abdominal muscles, upper abdominal muscles, the hip flexors and the diaphragm. Tone in the core- a perfect combination of suppleness and strength- is an accurate indicator of overall fitness and health. If you are strong, your core is strong. If your core is strong, you are strong. 70% of the immune system is in the core, so working with the core is also a great way to keep the immune system functioning efficiently. The tone of the pelvic floor directly affects the alignment of the spine. When the pelvic floor is weak there is a wide range sagging effect and prolapse of the spinal column as well as organs and glands in the trunk of the body. Keeping the pelvic floor healthy holds the spine in optimal alignment and repositions organs and glands back to healthier locations in the body. The sciences of Ayurveda and Chinese medicine teach us that it is possible to stimulate every energy line in the body by working in the pelvic floor so through the pranic system, we send healing energy to every nook and cranny of the body when we engage the pelvic floor.
Working with the core prepares us for the advanced techniques of Moola Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha- the root lock and belly lock respectively. These techniques were kept top secret for thousands of years. One would need to travel to remote locations on the globe and study with a master in order to receive these teachings. Yet now, both of these techniques are commonly taught in many traditions of Yoga to even brand new students. There are no mistakes, obviously the world is now ready for moola bandha, but I think it is necessary to impart these teachings with a warning statement. Both of these techniques are absolutely empowering because they initiate the Yogic growth spurt- the awakening of Kundalini Shakti. In the same way that one would not dam a river without first knowing what to do with the energy created, it is necessary to make sure we are prepared for the energy awakened by these techniques and to be very mindful of the actions we perform. Tantra does not have a concept of sin in the way most westerners are familiar with, rather there is the concept of karma- cause and effect. There are actions that create beneficial results and there are actions that create suffering. If we practice moola bandha and we are a liar, we become a very good liar. If we practice moola bandha and we are a thief, we become a very good thief. Techniques this powerful need to be practiced with reverence.

For kundalini to rise, the body must be able to cope with its force and the nervous system must be made strong, healthy and mature. This is attained through Yogic practice. When preparations are complete, kundalini will rise spontaneously of its own accord, liberating and expanding the consciousness. When you awakened your kundalini you stand of the threshold of infinity
Moola Bandha The Master Key

This mechanism, known as kundalini, is the real cause of all genuine spiritual phenomena, the biological basis of evolution and development of personality, the secret origin of all esoteric and occult doctrines, the master key to the unsolved mystery of creation, the inexhaustible source of philosophy, art and science and the fountainhead of all religions past, present and future.
Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man