Monday, February 1, 2010

Rainbow Bridge Meditation

This week in the studio we are practicing the Rainbow Bridge Meditation, or Antahkarana Meditation. The Antahkarana is the highest aspect of the mind and the Rainbow Bridge Meditation builds a bridge from lower mind to higher mind, from one human to another and from the individual soul to the cosmic soul.
In Tibetan Buddhism, there is a place called Shamballa, which is most certainly the root of the legends of Shangri-la and El Dorado. Shamballa is a community of enlightened beings who are creating a Utopian society in order to teach humans how to recreate this model on Earth. There are 7 kings of Shamballa, probably a symbol for the 7 energy centers, or chakras, in humans. The kings of Shamballa are the guardians of esoteric knowledge, preserving it for a time when much of the world will be destroyed, the story goes. Each Dalai Lama is entrusted with the secret location of Shamballa and there is a ritual that each DL performs that is to create a connection between humans and Shamballa, the Kalachakra Empowerment. Kalachakra is an archetypal deity, the Time Machine Buddha, and Kalachakra Empowerment also serves to alter the participant's relationship with time. In the past, DLs have performed this ritual about every 10 years, but this 14th Dalai Lama performs it several times every year. Some say His Holiness feels that more humans are now able to build the bridge.
The Rainbow Bridge meditation also creates the link between humans and the 7 kings of Shamballa. Practitioners learn how to bring Heaven down to Earth.